Wednesday, February 16, 2011


I am making slow progress with 
the site preparation. 
Yesterday I started building up 
"Area One" 
with compost after creating a bed using 
some of these logs. 
That was a lot of work because I was using a wheelbarrow through mud. Good exercise!

Unfortunately, I discovered the probable reason why this area had been tarped and abandoned. Japanese Morning Glory and Himalayan Blackberry, two of the most invasive exotic species in the Pacific Northwest. The bed is riddled with rhizomes and root runners. I will have to sift every inch of soil and try to eliminate as much of it as shovel full at a time. That is a major setback. Setback number two is that my seed order was delayed. This is not a major setback since I still have time to start germinating seeds and I also picked up four packages of organic seed from Uprising Farm in Bellingham.

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